The Story of Jim Sapara
I come from a Family of 8. Well really 11 if you count Mom and Dad and our dog. Born in the Prairies of Saskatchewan Canada, some of my early years were spent in Esterhazy, Saskatchewan watching my Father and his Brothers own and operate the local IGA Grocery store helping local customers with their groceries and meats from their butcher shop.
My mother was a Registered Nurse and worked at the Grey Nuns Hospital. It was fun and I had lots of adventures growing up in a small town. Exploring large underground water pipes, going underground in a mine, and traveling with my Dad across the prairies exploring newly built homes and construction.
On the weekends I would be on my Grandpa's sheep farm with all the Angus Bulls. It was all a lot of fun as a kid and of course life changes as you get older. I enjoyed going thru all my school and make a lot of interesting friends. Even when I was 8 years old I went around to all my neighbors and friends and used to take orders for Greeting Cards and also my newspaper route where I would have to get up at 5 o'clock in the morning to deliver the newspapers. The newspaper, 'The Globe and Mail' still exists today.
One of my first paid summer jobs was when I was 12 years old and would stack lumber all day long for $1.10 an hour.
When I was done one stack of wood, the foreman would come and yell at me for standing around and tell me to get the heck over to the other pile and start that. Come to think of it now it was a real learning experience. At the end of my school season, I would work in the Tobacco fields to make some summer money.
I remember the year my father started his manufacturing business building homes and I arrived there in the fall to help him put the facility together. I got involved in more and more business, building homes, fabricating homes, selling parts for the homes, working with customers that were buying the homes, and all facets of the business.
Then later as a businessman, I got involved in selling Real Estate as a licensed Real Estate Agent. My whole background in growing up in an entrepreneurial family was being involved in lots and lots of businesses and industries.
Housing and Construction is one of the primary industries. The big picture really was working with and dealing with all facets of business. This is what led me to Business Consulting and helping people achieve their life goals thru Personal Life Coaching. I took the opportunity with all the Covid stuff going on in the world to really expand my direction and launch Jim Sapara International.
Admittedly I had let life get the better of me, gotten out of shape and let some other areas run away too so I used the Covid situation early 2020 as an opportunity to transform my own circumstances.
Over the past 6 months I have lost over 35lbs in body fat, moved to a newer bigger apartment and started a new meal plan and as a result I have more energy and more life to pour into the things I love and into helping people create their ideal life.
Big Family, Small Town
This is my family of 8 - well 11 if you count my parents and the dog! From humble beginnings I learned hard work, courage and honor.
Now is the time
However the global pandemic has impacted your life or business - there is always an opportunity amidst every challenge. I have used the pandemic to upgrade my lifestyle, get fitter (I have lost over 35lbs and still going1) and have moved into a new apartment, because I take steps to make my ideal a reality and can help you do the same.
If you’re not living your ideal life - book a free strategy session today to get a fresh perspective and a custom game plan.
Have a question?
Get in touch today
(403) 872-2513